主讲人:Hans G. Schuetze (加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学教育学院教授)& Germán Alvarez Mendiola (墨西哥Center for Research and Advanced Studies教育系教授)
主持人:张 冉 (开云官方注册 - 开云(中国)副教授)
时间:2015年10月27日(周二) 14:00 – 15:30
地点:开云官方注册 - 开云(中国)206教室
在本讲座中,来自加拿大英属哥伦比亚的Hans G. Schuetze教授与来自墨西哥教育研究机构DIE-Cinvestav的Germán Alvarez Mendiola教授将联袂为大家分享私立高等教育在北美洲的最新发展趋势。
Hans G. Schuetze具有法学和教育学的双重学术背景,也曾常年在OECD工作,在国际比较高等教育学界和教育法学界颇有影响力;Germán Alvarez Mendiola是墨西哥高等教育研究领域的资深学者。
Hans G. Schuetze
PhD in international and comparative constitutional law (University of G?ttingen, Germany); LL.M. (University of California at Berkeley); German equivalent of Bar Exam (‘erstes und zweites juristisches Staatsexamen’).
Work as a lawyer and social organizer in Hannover, Germany; as a research coordinator at the Paris-based Centre for Educational Research and Innovation of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris (1976 to 1985); appointment as professor for Higher Education Research and Policy (1991 to 2006); and Director of the Centre for Policy Studies in Higher Education and Training, both at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada. In 2002, organization at UBC of the first of what then became a series of annual international workshops on Higher Education Reform the 12th of which takes place in Tianjin (China) in Oct 2015.
Visiting professor at the universities of Hannover and Duisburg-Essen (DE), Graz and Klagenfurt (AT), Rouen (F), and Hiroshima (JP). From 2005 to 2014, Lecturer in the Graduate Program of the University of Oldenburg (Education and Science Management); Re-admitted to the Bar and work as a lawyer in Hannover, Germany, specializing in legal issues relating to education (2004-2014).
Author or editor of book chapters, encyclopedia entries, and articles in academic journals on the themes of Higher Education, Policies, Training, Organization and Finance of Education, Lifelong Learning, Comparative Education, and Legal Issues in Education. Member of the Editorial Boards of the Journal for Adult and Continuing Education, and of China Forum.
Germán Alvarez Mendiola
Germán Alvarez Mendiola got a degree in sociology from the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences at National Autonomous University of México. He is Master and Doctor of Science in educational research by the Department of Educational Research (DIE) of Center for Research and Advanced Studies (Cinvestav) in Mexico City. He is full professor in the DIE-Cinvestav since 1990, and member of the National System of Researchers since 2002. His research interests include public policy and institutional change in higher education; private higher education; and institutional experiences in lifelong learning. From February 2012 to February 2014 was Academic Coordinator of DIE. He is author of books, chapters and research articles in national and international publications. álvarez-Mendiola is part of editorial boards of academic journals and books. His most recent publication is: "Trends in Private Higher Education in Mexico" (co-authored with Mitzi Morales) in: Zgaga, Pavel; Teichler, Ulrich; Schuetze, Hans G. and Wolter, Andra (eds.). Higher Education Reform: Looking Back - Looking Forward . Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2015.