

The Pedagogy of Learning(学习教育学)

  Ference Marton教授

  (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)


  There is the Psychology of Learning, there is the Sociology of Learning, the Neuroscience of Learning. Pedagogy is, however, about how people can help other people to learn. So studying learning from such a point of view, implies another and distinct field of knowledge, a field which we might call the Pedagogy of Learning. I will present an attempt to develop a theory within that field. It is supposed to be a tool for handling the content of learning in more powerful ways and it has been put to empirical test in hundreds and hundreds of classrooms.


  Ference Marton is Professor Emeritus at the University of Gothenburg,Sweden,

  Advisory Professor at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Honorary Professor at The University of Hong Kong. He has supervised about 50 PhD students, has over 200 publications, received Honorary Doctorate from Edinburgh University (2000), the University of Helsinki (2003) and the Hong Kong Institute of Education (2007).


  (Ference Marton教授为国际知名教育心理学家,瑞典哥德堡大学荣休教授,香港大学名誉教授,英国爱丁堡大学名誉博士,发表论著200余篇,在学习教育学、变易理论及其教育运用等研究领域卓有影响。)



