

北大教育论坛第300讲 | 从大规模随机研究中汲取的经验与教训 Lessons learned from large-scale randomized studies

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主讲:Alan Cheung,香港中文大学教育行政与政策学系教授、系主任

主持:郭丛斌,开云官方注册 - 开云(中国)研究员


地点:开云官方注册 - 开云(中国)206教室




Large-scale randomized studies are the most effective way to assess practical and replicable methods for enhancing educational outcomes. This presentation explores the benefits, challenges, and potential issues associated with these evaluations. It emphasizes alternative randomization methods, recruitment strategies, maintaining high-quality implementation, managing attrition, and data analysis techniques. Additionally, it addresses ways to improve the likelihood of observing positive effects in large randomized experiments and how to interpret effect sizes.



张志强教授目前担任香港中文大学教育行政与政策学系教授及系主任,大学与学校伙伴协作中心主任。此外,还担任约翰霍普金斯大学荣誉教授及康考迪亚大学顾问教授等学术职务。张志强教授的研究领域涵盖循证改革、双语教育和教育技术等,曾多次参与关于这些主题的大规模随机实验和研究,并且是三本编辑书籍及150篇期刊论文、书籍章节和技术报告的作者或合著者。论文发表在Review of Educational Research (RER), Educational Research Review (ERR), Journal of Educational Psychology (JEP), American Educational Research Journal (AERJ)和Reading Research Quarterly (RRQ)等顶级学术期刊上。近年来,张志强教授连续被斯坦福大学评选为“全球2%最优秀科学家”。

张志强教授曾获得多项知名奖项,以表彰他的研究成果和教学表现。这些奖项包括2008年由美国教育研究协会(AERA)颁发的帕尔默-约翰逊奖(Palmer O. Johnson Award)、2013年香港中文大学的卓越研究奖(Research Excellence Award)、2016年杨百翰大学的杰出校友成就奖(Outstanding Alumni Achievement Award)、2018年澳大利亚研究理事会的国际发现奖(International Discovery Award)、2021年的模范教学奖(Exemplary Teaching Award)以及2024年亚太资优联盟(Asia Pacific Federation on Giftedness)颁发的杰出研究就职奖(Inaugural Award for Outstanding Research)。

Professor Cheung currently serves as Professor and Chair in the Department of Educational Administration at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and the Director of the Centre for University and School Partnership. He also holds other academic positions as Professor (Courtesy) at Johns Hopkins University and an Advisory Professor at Concordia University.His research areas include evidence-based reform, bilingual education, and educational technology. He has been involved in many large-scale randomized experiments and studies on these topics and is the author or co-author of 3 edited books and 150 journal articles, book chapters, and technical reports.  His journal articles have appeared in top academic journals such as Review of Educational Research (RER), Educational Research Review (ERR), Journal of Educational Psychology (JEP), American Educational Research Journal (AERJ), and Reading Research Quarterly (RRQ). He has been included in the list of the World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University for the past few consecutive years.

In recognition of his research productivity and teaching performance, Professor Cheung has received several prestigious awards. These include the Palmer O. Johnson Award from the American Educational Research Association (AERA) in 2008, the Research Excellence Award from CUHK in 2013, the Outstanding Alumni Achievement Award from Brigham Young University in 2016, the International Discovery Award from the Australian Research Council in 2018, the Exemplary Teaching Award in 2021, and the Inaugural Award for Outstanding Research from the Asia Pacific Federation on Giftedness in 2024.


